About Troels Nygaard - Tone2 Synthesizers

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About Troels

I'm impassioned about what I do and my mission is simple! I want to use my skills to affect other people's lives in a positive way while having a good time doing so!
I very much value being part of a skilled team working towards a common goal. It's so satisfying when various professions and skill-sets come together and the different elements multiply and merge into ONE epic experience, way greater than the individual parts.
Throughout the years I've been working professionally mainly with game audio, but touched a couple of other fields as well, including Jingles for radio and TV, Synthesizer patches and the automotive industry. After having experienced different areas of professional audio I can without blinking an eye say that I'll keep coming back to games. Why? The things I do as Technical sound designer and Composer allows me to combine the technical side of things with the creative creation process, I value this diversity very much. It also, to a higher degree than the other fields, help me evolve as a person due to frequent collaborations with other professions as Programming, Game design, Writing, Animation, Concept art and so forth. It gives me a better understanding of things that I can utilize within my own work and it broadens my horizon.
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