"My name is Mac of BIOnighT. I'm a musician from Italy, mostly known for my ambient music. When I was working on the patches for this soundset they inspired me to record an entire album - including drums - using only this set. The album “Arént i Bric” is included as a bonus for this soundset. Enjoy!"
- 123 sounds
- Includes the album 'Arent i bric' as free bonus
- Created by a professional sound designer and artist (Mac of BIOnighT)
- Comfortable installation
- Seamless integration into the user interface
- Uses the new features introduced with Electra v2.5
- All sounds are properly programmed - they are no samples. This results in more dynamic expression and the highest possible sound quality
Ideal for Ambient, Atmospherics, Berlin School, New Age, Cinematic and all kinds Electronic Music.