- 68 Arpeggiators
- 13 Sequences
- 62 Atmos
- 31 Pads
- 22 Basses
- 16 Keys
- 9 Leads
- 7 Drones + FX
- 228 presets (178 + 50 variations)
- The soundset makes use of Electra's powerful multi-layer capabilities. As a result you can create deep soundscapes with very little effort.
- This set uses the new waveshapers and effects introduced with Electra v2.7.
- Includes the album 'Moonlight Experience', created only with presets from this soundset, as free bonus
- Comfortable installation
- Seamless integration into the user interface
- All sounds are properly programmed - they are no samples. This results in more dynamic expression and the highest possible sound quality.
- Professional sound-design